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What people say

Leadership coaching

“I first met Maria on a leadership programme she facilitated, and then booked subsequent professional development coaching with her. All of this made a significant difference to how I was leading and working with my team. I gained invaluable insight as to how I was as a manager and colleague in a stressful healthcare organisation, and in life generally. The adjustments have been incremental and beneficial for me and the team. We are excited about our 3-year plan that is being implemented." 
Donna Cooper, Howick.



Maria did a reading for me holding onto a small taonga I have. I was surprised how much she picked up about me and recent issues I was troubled with. The direction she gave was to have more faith and trust in myself, instead of always looking to others. She gave me courage to follow my own instincts as there would be benefit to it. It hit home and she was right, I applied for a job that I wanted, and it has opened amazing opportunities. Blessings to you Maria." 

D. Wiki, Taupo.

Life coaching

“I knew of Maria through a mutual friend who had used her services previously. I was upgrading my life (hahaha!) and did a refresh of everything! To say I had been unhappy was an understatement. I had personal trainer for fitness, nutritionist and needed help with mindset and emotions. I booked with Maria  and found myself incredibly surprised at the things which have come up and been sorted through. She is a very personable, generous, insightful coach, and I can not thank her enough for the difference I feel in my life."

Sandra-Rose, T. Upper Hutt. 


“That was a beautiful powerful healing I received and needed. I felt the heavy energy leaving my tinana and ngakau. I feel very blessed that we have access to you.” 

Jasmine, Takapuna. 

Leadership & life coaching

“Moving to NZ was a big transition, and while I love NZ, after a year I was miserable. I booked coaching with Maria after meeting her on a workshop she ran. Maria helped me to discover it wasn’t the transition to NZ causing the unhappiness, but the situation at the clinic where I worked. My manager was overbearing and micro-managed the entire team. They had no appetite for new ideas that could improve patient process. Gradually I lost my voice and confidence and humour. My years of experience and knowledge felt wasted. She helped me sort my values and the ideal organisation and team I would love to work with. After a month of reaching out to a couple of practices and PHO’s, I found a great role and team, who appreciates what I have to offer. I am very thankful for the work we did together Maria, it was timely, and identified exactly what I needed.”
Penny, Nurse Lead, Auckland Central Suburbs. 2021.

Traditional: Mirimiri

"I am totally converted! Seriously I will be back. The traditional bodywork and the conversation and stuff that came up was out of this world! I absolutely recommend to anyone who has not done this before to give it a go. Maria, you held the space for me, and were so gracious and direct at the same time. Thank you thank you thank you."

Brooke Zhu, Oral Health.     

Traditional healing

"Thank you for such a profound experience. I look forward to returning again one day when needed." 

Katarina, Waiheke Island. 

Whitiwhiti kōrero, NLP, Coaching

“I contacted Maria through a mutual friend. I am a bubbly positive person by nature but for weeks I was in a stressful and volatile situation in my personal life. I had become anxious, stressed, unhappy, and withdrawn. I was having regular bad dreams, sore stomachs and started being short tempered. Maria and I had an initial phone call which gave me some ease, and then two hui. She guided me on how to release the feelings from my tinana, we said karakia which I loved, it was a gentle but truthful process. I wasn't quite ready to see my contribution to the situation, but it helped me understand a lot. A few weeks after our last hui I noticed how much better I was, my old self but somehow felt stronger. I have loved using our tikanga and doing this through a Te Ao Maaori lense. Ka nui te mihi ki a koe mo to awhina Maria. " 
Talia Rickard.

Traditional bodywork

“I will be forever grateful for the massage work you did for me in preparation for my upcoming operation. It was nurturing, healing and allowed me to let go of anxiety and grief that I was feeling about a deeply intimate part of myself. Ora mai ra kia koe." 

T. Rangiuia. 2022.

Traditional: Hauora

“That was a powerful healing session. The miri, the messages that came through. I felt like I was in the presence of something really healing. Thank you Whaea." 

Siera, Kirikiriroa. 2024.

Traditional: Stress & overwhelm

A year before I returned to the UK from New Zealand, our household had been under stress for months with a new born baby, a change in jobs and financial strain. By the time I saw Maria I was bursting with overwhelm, tears and exhaustion. I was nervous about having a healing because I didn’t entirely know what to expect, but Maria was warm and friendly. We talked about what was going on for me and she suggested the traditional mirimiri bodywork and explained her process. The rest after that was an incredible experience, really nurturing with moments of intensity. I am not quite sure how the overwhelm and anxiety went but I certainly felt different afterwards. I did feel very tired but in a good way, much lighter. She said more clarity would arrive over the coming week and that the feeling of tears would lift and go away altogether. Both was true! Since returning to the UK I have booked a few Zoom sessions with Maria and recommend her without hesitation." 

Ella Leverstein, Surrey.

Traditional: Mirimiri

Wow. The bodywork you did was an incredible experience, and it was utterly unexpected. What you were able to identify and the two messages that came through, blew my mind. I had been holding on hard for way too long, and it was time to let go. The angst in my stomach has completely gone. This has freed me. I'm blown away."

D Samuels, Wellington.

Kōrero wairua

“A walk-in client needed assistance wairua phenomena which we did not have the expertise to assist with. A team member enlisted the help of an external party without our knowledge. Ultimately the client was helped and settled, still I was concerned being unfamiliar with the topic. An associate directed me to Maria who they'd trained with. Debriefing this with Maria gave me a wider understanding of wairuatanga which provided some clarity and relief with regards to the client." 

Walker, W. Henderson. 


“That was an incredible massage. Just what I needed. Thank you." 
Stephanie, Waiheke Island.

Difficulties in marriage

"My marriage had been deteriorating for 18 months, and I was thinking seriously of exiting. Going home each day was a struggle.  Surprisingly through the coaching with Maria, I recognised I was still invested in the marriage, and was encouraged to raise the elephant in the room with my wife instead of avoiding. It brought around much needed discussions. What I appreciated most with Maria and coaching, was having a person in my court with the best intentions set aside for my marriage and welfare. The questions helped me gain clarity I was missing. I absolutely recommend her as a coach.”

Dave Peterson.

Life coaching: Permission

"My wife and I had been separated for over a year with shared custody of our children. During the marriage she had the higher income and was great at managing our financial affairs. As our separation was amicable when we split, she continued to manage those affairs. Supposedly temporarily but it  continued on. I started experiencing restraint (by her) on how I should spend my money and interference over care of the kids, causing issues and frustration. Gradually depression creeped in. I knew of Maria and booked time with her in hope of getting help for my depression. I quickly came to recognise the negative impact the situation with my wife had caused on my independence and self-confidence. Somehow I was still looking for her approval and it was time to give myself permission to let go. Live my own life. In hindsight it was obvious but at the time not so much! Once I got myself sorted, the depression was gone. Maria is a great coach and very quickly got to the essence of my troubles.”

R Stephenson, Pukekohe.


“It was inspiring how accurate Maria was in picking up things that have been affecting me at home and in my life. I truly felt I was in the presence of matakite." 

Joy H, Whakatane. 2020.

Kōrero wairua

“Thank you Kōkā for this conversation. I loved it, it was so helpful. I keep these experiences to myself because you don't always know who to tell. I feel much better. Everything we discussed made a lot of sense to me." 

Dani, 2022.


"I have known Maria for several years and first met her through a support group circle. She came across as thought provoking,  articulate and very perceptive, and that hasn't changed over the years that I have known her. I now live in Australia but I continue to reach out to her for help and sage advice when I get stuck (she's very good at unraveling issues.) It's a privilege to know her."

Rodika Chaur. Sydney.


"That was amazing. I haven't had an experience like that in many years. You are gifted. Loved every moment. The work on my body, the vibration, I felt energy shift. Incredible."

Amalia, Waiheke Island.  

Traditional healing

"Over many years I have had a lot of massages and treatments from people and so when I say this, I say it with experienced knowledge, you really have something special. I have just found you so accurately on point with what's going on for me every time. I can feel my health is gradually better and better each time I have seen you. It's been amazing." 

Finn Catalan, Auckland. 

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