Whakapuāwai Ora
with Maria Noone
Our Services
- From 90 New Zealand dollars
- From 130 New Zealand dollars
- From 190 New Zealand dollars
- From 230 New Zealand dollars
- From 290 New Zealand dollars
- 160 New Zealand dollars
- 160 New Zealand dollars
- From 990 New Zealand dollars
Services, rates and duration
Traditional Māori Modalities - Mirimiri, Romiromi, Mahi Wairua
60 minutes
Casual / new customers $120
Regular return customers $100
NFP Organisations $90
90 minutes
Casual / new customers $170
Regular return customers $140
NFP Organisations $130
2 hours
Casual / new customers $220
Regular return customers $190
2.5 hours
Casual / new customers $280
Regular return customers $230
3 hours
Casual new customers $330
Regular return customers $260
Kaumatua and Kuia
A traditional koha in any form. Call or text to book.
Community Services Card Holders
Call, text or email to discuss.
Kairongōa, Massage Therapists and similar based on Waiheke Island.
The 'Regular/Return' customer rate applies to you. Select this option when booking.
New / casual customers
This rate is for people using our services less than three times a year.
Regular / return customers
This rate is for return customers who use our services three or more times per year.
Not for profit (NFP) organisations
We offer reduced rates for NFP Organisations who support people in health and social services. This is available for either a 60-minute or 90-minute appointment. If you belong to a NFP wanting to book these services for your clients or your staff please make contact to discuss and confirm arrangements. Please email any confidentiality forms and NZ Police check forms that you need us to complete. Thank you. A mobile service fee will apply if working at your location ($40 within Waiheke Island). Locations outside of Waiheke will need to be costed.
Coaching / Whitiwhiti kōrero
Whakawatea te Huarahi
Clear the way ahead ........ $160 per hr
Te Arahi Whaiaro
Lead towards a vision ..... $160 per hr
Whakahaumanu coaching programme
"Restore, refresh, restart" ............. $1190
Whakapuāwai Ora - 1 Day retreat
"To cause to flourish" ..................... $750
General enquiry call
15-minutes .................................... Free
Kōrero Wairua
30-minutes ................................... Free
Corporate Facilitation / Educator Work
Consulting fee
Standard rate ................... $160 per hr
Development of programmes and materials, including research
Rate by negotiation
Standard full day rate $2500, plus administration, preparation and expenses.